The law firm, which specialises in German-French law, is given a name that comes from French, has been Germanised and stands for mindfulness. The term "qui vive?" dates back to the time of the French Revolution and was then the query of a slogan agreed upon as a sign of recognition, answered with "Vive le Roy!" or "Vive la Révolution!" depending on the one. As a Gallicism, it is a symbol of the bilingualism of the Chancery and the cultural similarities (and differences) of both countries.
The individual spelling gives the new word mark a high degree of recognisability and independence. Striking in red, the logo stands out against a light background. The focal points of the law firm's work are visualised in a thematic visual language developed especially for the firm. Since work in law firms is still characterised by a lot of paper, the visual language is generated from paper.
Olaf Jäger, Creative Direction
Reinhard Thomas, Artdirection Digital
Tanja Weich, Nicola Tobias Nolle
Regina Jäger, Brand Strategy
Qivive Rechtsanwalts GmbH