Everything that splashes, drips and runs.
Kerstin Rautenberg is Vorarlberg's only female urologist with her own practice. We share the opinion that humour is an important factor in recovery.
As a standalone logo, Kerstin Rautenberg has a water balloon as a symbol for the human bladder. She always makes people laugh on the street when Kerstin or her husband Dirk ride through the traffic on their cargo bike with their children.
Corporate Design
The corporate design is completely printed on wonderful, urine-yellow paper, the house colours are ochre and pine green. The imagery is made up of all kinds of objects and creatures that splash, drip and run. So far, garden hoses, bird baths, watering cans, water taps, shower heads and an amorous sperm whale have been spotted.
Madeleine Mouton
Oliver Ruhm
Oliver Ruhm
Patricia Keckeis
Druckerei Thurnher
Dr. Kerstin Rautenberg
Patricia Keckeis