Sleeep Hotel
Titelbild zu Sleeep Hotel

Project Description

A no-frills hotel. Without service. A bit trashy. Only and really about the essentials. sleeep. Good and cheap. Inexpensive rooms with bed, bath and toilet. Simply basic. Like the prices. And the budget. A hotel group is starting a low budget line. By taking over existing hotels. Therefor they need a concept that is simple. And easy. So we skip the unessential and put our energy into the essential. Don't say many words. But big ones. And everything we don't say, we illustrate. Simply easy, usable in all media and intended for all media. Some things were just given. Like the colors. Others not. Like the font. The illustrations. The text. They intertwine and are variable. And sleepwalkingly appropriate. Because they make the best of what's there.



Florian Knogler

Sophia Wäger

Julia Hameter


Sophia Wäger


Christina Lugmayr


eee hotel management gmbh