Das Café Momo
Titelbild zu Das Café Momo

Project Description

Do you remember the little girl Momo from Michael Ende's novel of the same name? In the story Momo wants one thing above all: to give people time.

'Because time is life. And life lives in the heart.' (Quote M. Ende)

Café Momo is the breakfast and day café in the Wagner'sche Buchhandlung in the heart of Innsbrucks downtown. A loving little green oasis offering vegetarian and homemade delicacies.

The name says it all. In the Café Momo you will find all who long for a time-out. At Café Momo, you'll take your time to browse through your favorite book, flirt with your freshly-baked banana bread, or blissfully sip your after-work drink while rocking in a hanging chair towards the sunset.

A corporate design was created with both simplicity and sophistication. All printed materials were printed on recycled paper made from coffee and kiwi by-products, rounding out the design with texture & feel.

A reinterpretation of Momo in the Here & Now.




Angi Reisinger

Tina Fallenegger


Angi Reisinger, Peter Koren

produced by/printed by

Druckerei Hernegger


Café Momo

Copyrights Pictures

Café Momo

Angi Reisinger, Peter Koren