Knolls Kakerlaken Orakel
Titelbild zu Knolls Kakerlaken Orakel

Project Description

About the customer

The exterminator couple Daniela and Ronald Knoll have a clear motto: Regulate, not fight. Chase away, not destroy. Art, not war. Since the brand relaunch in 2018, we have been supporting the team in communications.

Knoll's cockroach oracle

Is this still a mailing? We think it has become a kind of board game oracle. The electronic cockroach (which moves frighteningly realistically) answers pre-made or individual questions. To do this, it is thrown into the hole and then independently finds the niche with what it thinks is the right answer.


The image of cockroaches is not the best. Worse, pests are often tabooed. With the oracle we want to entertain first and foremost. But it is also about taking away some of the fear of talking about pests.


The Cockroach Oracle was produced in an edition of 200 and given away to existing customers and partners of Knoll Exterminators.



Madeleine Mouton

Oliver Ruhm


Oliver Ruhm


Patricia Keckeis

produced by/printed by

Bayer Kartonagen


Knoll Kammerjäger

Copyrights Pictures

Patricia Keckeis