Instead of sending gifts, we prefer(ed) to send AMORE!
If we reflect for a moment, there is one thing we wanted most of all last year: Amore. Nothing is more important than loving relationships in good and bad times.
The goal was to set a sign of solidarity with an effective idea and off course to say thank you to all customers, partners, friends and companions at the end of the year. This pop-up mailing was designed in the form of a kiss as a symbol of love. Freshly printed and blind embossed, countless little Bussis made their journey by post.
And plop, there it is. The Christmas mail of a different kind.
The hang-up Bussi: peel it off, stick it on, and you're done! In the twinkling of an eye, the Bussi is transformed into a simple Christmas tree ornament, bursting with kindness and proudly displaying its blush in every home. Our way of saying thank you. Thank you for a multifaceted 2021.
Angi Reisinger
Tina Fallenegger
Christian Mahlknecht
David Brenner
Angi Reisinger
Druckerei Hernegger
Angi Reisinger Studio
Angi Reisinger