To Knot or Not to Knot
Titelbild zu To Knot or Not to Knot

Project Description

Poster for a participatory art project, coloured beige – A reference to "Beige Obsessions" a main research field of danish artist Jette Gejl.

The exhibition “To Knot or Not to Knot“ explores, in reference to Shakespeares Hamlet in „To Be or Not to Be“, ordinary, but nevertheless essential relations: big and small, old and young, art scene and neighbourhood.
During the time of the exhibition — accompanied by a lively community exchange through cooking, eating and knotting — a huge room spinning macramé will be builded up.



Stefanie Lichtwitz


Rebecca Bienenstein

produced by/printed by

Die Kopie14


Sarah Kolb / Viktoria, Raum für künstlerische Forschung und Social Design