Devils Night

Project Description

There is an ancient custom in the Alps, the so-called “Perchtenlauf”. Young men and women, dress up in scary devil costumes and parade through the villages to drive away evil spirits.
Over time, this spectacle has become a real crowd-puller, attracting hundreds of people of all ages every year in the run-up to Christmas. To this day, magnificent, shaggy robes and intricately carved wooden masks are lovingly handcrafted for the occasion.
With the two posters, we advertised the “Perchtenlauf” as well as the subsequent “Devil’s Party”, where all “Perchten” protagonists mingle with the guests to celebrate together.
In order to pay the necessary respect to this custom, we have illustrated two “Perchten” in equally elaborate handwork. The two posters can be used separately but also together to generate more attention.
The event has unfortunately been postponed.




Gue Kirchner


Gue Kirchner