Bergen Assembly - Side Magazine
Titelbild zu Bergen Assembly - Side Magazine

Project Description

Side Magazine gathers the seven characters in The Heptahedron, a play written by the French poet, essayist, and scholar Thomas Clerc in 2016. These characters are the Professor, the Moped Rider, the Bonimenteur, the Fortune Teller, an Acrobat, the Coalman, and the Tourist.

Humble lightweight paper, b/w-illustrations, and straightforward typography create a fanzine with a strong personality and support simplifying a complicated project.

Side Magazine accompanies the fourth Bergen Assembly, the contemporary art triennial in Bergen, Norway, in 2022, as a site of research convened by artist Saâdane Afif. Afif has invited Berlin-based Yasmine d’O. as curator of the edition and executive editor of Side Magazine.
Seven issues of Side Magazine will be released in the run-up to the opening of Bergen Assembly 2022, each comprised of seven articles. An eighth special issue includes installation images published after the opening days.


Pit Stenkhoff

Anna Bühler


Saâdane Afif (Concept)

Louisa Elderton

Yasmine d’O.


Bergen Assembly