Kochbuch "Oma Marie kocht"
Titelbild zu Kochbuch "Oma Marie kocht"

Project Description

Franziska Heiß collected the best recipes from the Sarntal Valley (Southtyrol) together with her grandma. The result is a cookbook with traditional recipes without frills, beautiful atmospheric photos and nostalgic dishes. Every recipe is illustrated with a corresponding photo. Sometimes the food is the focus, but sometimes the eye is also drawn to the people eating the food. The photos of the South Tyrolean landscape and the people in traditional costumes convey the alpine lifestyle. She created an exciting combination of tradition and modernity with the typography of the recipe names: They are written as they are pronounced in the Sarner dialect. The intentionally false word separation is meant to help break through our learned grasp of writing and to consciously live and perceive the recipe name. Visual nostalgia has created with double-page pictures. Mostly men were in front of the camera here; this is to counteract the cliché that "cooking is only something for women".




Franziska Heiß


Franziska Heiß


Felix Tappeiner, Fabian Wallnöfer

produced by/printed by

Lanarepro GmbH


Edition Raetia

Copyrights Pictures

Felix Tappeiner

Fabian Wallnöfer