The fourth edition of the Forward Print Magazine presents itself on 146 pages. In 11 interviews with artists like Christoph Niemann, Felipe Pantone or Martha Cooper, the magazine focuses on re-connecting creatives, as well as the challenges and opportunities of the lasts years and their impact on creativity, design & art. The blurry times we still live in are reflected not only in the featured articles and interviews but in the whole look and feel of the magazine: The cover, therefore, has a shiny rub surface indicating to always stay curious and think big; inside the magazine, transparent pages give the reader the feeling of blurriness. In the magazin collectiveness, as well as collaboration, were being put in focus during these blurry times highlighting the Forward-vision of a community thriving on creativity.
Zwupp - Design & Film
Zwupp - Design & Film
Nora Partl
Lena Robl
Rosi Frais
Katja Haunold
BösmüllerPrint Management GESMBH
Othmar Handl