Mono Moment
Titelbild zu Mono Moment

Project Description

Monospaced fonts are fascinating! Nietzsche was probably one of the first to feel the aesthetic appeal of monospaced typefaces. Since he started writing with a typewriter, typefaces, and punctuation have been important to him. In the meantime, we encounter monospaced typefaces regularly in everyday life: in design and in art, in coding, on tax records, or on our ID. If you take a closer look, you will encounter non-proportional typefaces more often than expected.

Due to the increase in typeface production over the past few decades, almost every well-developed font family also has a mono or semi-mono cut. When searching for the word “monospace” on the World Wide Web, countless entries can be found in addition to the results such as “I am looking for a beautiful monospaced font” or “Best Monospace Fonts for Coding.” At a time when it has never been easier to design and publish typefaces, this book provides a good orientation to monospace!


Christina Wunderlich


Christina Wunderlich

produced by/printed by

Der Gilch