Kress Grauburgunder Rerserve
Titelbild zu Kress Grauburgunder Rerserve

Project Description

The Pinot Gris fascinates with its reddish-grey berry skin, although it is assigned to the white wines. The design of the label refers both to the unusual colouring of the berry skin and to the fact that this wine receives its special polish in the wine cellar during gentle ageing in oak barrels. From "Ruländer" to "Pinot Gris" to "Blauer Riesling" - over 220 synonyms are known for Pinot Gris. Their initial letters with their frequency are also included in the label and written with chalk, just as the variety designation is noted on the barrels in the wine cellar.



Olaf Jäger, Creative Direction

Nicola Tobias Nolle


Weingut Kress KG