Titelbild zu GRANIT pur

Project Description

"Feldspat, Quarz und Glimmer – die drei vergess´ ich nimma!"
With this mnemonic, you learn the three main components of the Mühlviertel granite at school in the Mühlviertel.

dambachler distillery stands for regional products, quality and dedicated passion. The “GRANIT pur” product line, an ensemble of three high-quality spirits consisting of FELDSPAT (premium organic bitter), QUARZ (premium organic gin) and GLIMMER (premium organic grain spirit), contains the essence Mühlviertel.

The bottles are available individually as a 0.7l container or as a gift box (3x0.2l) including granite cooling stones.

The distillates from dambachler distillery are as pure as Mühlviertel granite. Water from our own well, handpicked organic fruits and herbs, processed with the knowledge of two generations. Each variety is the essence of natural ingredients, passion and the high quality standards of distiller Florian Prückl - unadulterated, honest, pure.


Michael Holzer


Brennerei dambachler

Copyrights Pictures

Michael Holzer

Florian Schwarz