Joggabauer Alpakas – gutes vom Feld
Titelbild zu Joggabauer Alpakas – gutes vom Feld

Project Description

The inspiration were fluffy alpacas. To promote Styrian seed oil made of pumpkins from the field. Sweet apple juice and apple cider made from apples straight from orchards. Eggs that come from happy chicken. At the Eichberg, there, where you lose your heart so easily to southern Styria. To nature, animals, and people. The range includes juices, syrups, cider, schnapps, chutneys, relish, jellies, herbal salt, sugar, and eggs. You can always buy what the garden and the meadows have to offer. Each label tells a little story about life with alpacas on the Joggabauer farm. The aim was to create packaging that shows sweet alpacas and the life at the Joggaubauer farm. The labels are cute, make you smile, reflect the spirit of the times and are simply beautiful to look at. Because, as the saying goes: the eye eats with you. And of course that starts with the packaging.



Viktoria Resch

Johanna Dorner


Johanna Dorner


Viktoria Resch


Viktoria Resch

produced by/printed by


Joggauer Südsteiermark

Copyrights Pictures


Joggauer Südsteiermark