Creative concept & graphic implementation for the "Tirol-Spiel" - the third in a series of games with a regional focus. This concept was created starting with the "Innsbruck-Spiel"parallel to the development of the game concept in cooperation with the teamleader of the project. The historical & current sides of the destinations should be shown and knowledge imparted in an entertaining way. Inspiration for appearance with color scheme & logo: historical city maps, postcards, engravings, schedules & tourism posters by Austrian graphic designers. Fonts with echoes of historical fonts from postcards and maps: Andes Neue & MVB Sirenne. Children's edition: Sassoon – typeface for early readers. Contains the design of: game board, playing cards for 5 categories, instructions and box. For the illustration, engravings from archives were converted into line drawings, the details worked out and partially recombined. The map & motifs at start & finish were drawn based on historical images.
Ines Graus
Gerlinde Tamerl – Projektleitung
Piksieben, Infigo GmbH, Wilkau-Haßlau
Verlag der Wagner’schen, Innsbruck
Produktfotos: Ines Graus
Fotos auf Spiel: in Spieleanleitung angeführt