Rosé Ancestrale
Titelbild zu Rosé Ancestrale

Project Description

In 2020, the Zull winery from Retzerland will bring a new product "to the table" - the Rosé Ancestrale. Here the wine is made to tingle by a special method: the Méthode ancestrale is the oldest and original way to produce a sparkling wine through a single fermentation. The slow fermentation under pressure creates a very fine and natural carbonic acid – called pétillant naturel. Translated, ancestral means "handed down by the ancestors" – reason enough to immortalize the ancestors of the Zull family - above all great-grandmother Rosa Zull - on the labels.



Birgit Kiennast


Birgit Kiennast

produced by/printed by

Ulrich Etiketten


Weingut Zull

Copyrights Pictures

Birgit Kiennast