Tullios Geburtstag is a children's book written by André Heller and illustrated by Esther Martens and Maïté Kalita. The book tells a story of a boy that unlike every other year can not enjoy his birthday with party games, and friends in magical costumes. The reader accompanies the boy on an adventure and all kinds of emotional situations that end with an epic dream. André Heller's story is a consolidation to both children and adults. As young mothers and artists we experienced the challenges our children faced during the past two years. In the making of this book we were able to embody all beautiful experiences of parenthood and completely immerse our self in the fabulous world of our own children.
Stefan Fuhrer
Maïté Kalita
Esther Martens
André Heller
Zsolnay Verlag
Angewandte Kunst Foto Labor