Kammerspiele (Chamber plays)
Titelbild zu Kammerspiele (Chamber plays)

Project Description

The Austrian Medical Association (ÖAK) has a lot of power. Critics find maybe even too much power. The article deals with the ÖAK acting as a puppetmaster for politics and medical institutions.

It features a full page illustration of the ÖAK pulling the strings behind then neo-minister of health Johannes Rauch and the medical staff of Austria. Following pages show then ÖAK-President Thomas Szekeres and topic-related objects.


www.ulrichfuchs.com; https://www.dossier.at/dossiers/gesundheit/kammerspiele/


Ulrich Fuchs

produced by/printed by

Druckerei Hans Jentzsch & Co GmbH


Dossier, Fabian Lang