A steak like no steak
Titelbild zu A steak like no steak

Project Description

Meat is pure luxury. And meat should definitely not be a mass product that you can buy every day and at any price in the supermarket. That's why we wanted to stage the best meat in Austria, or rather the best steak in Austria (note: number 1 steakhouse in Austria, number 10 in Europe, number 19 in the world) in a way that makes it clear at first glance that this is no ordinary steakhouse. Together with the notorious design legend Sigi Mayer, we have created a visual identity that is deliberately a break and stands out from the uniformity of the steak world. And make it clear: This meat is more high-fashion than a staple.


Sigi Mayer

Valentin Zhuber-Okrog

Tina Fleck


Patrick Haas


Stefanie Primeßnig

Christiane Wallner-Haas

