Zodiac Sign Calendar
Titelbild zu Zodiac Sign Calendar

Project Description

This is an unconventional calendar in Swiss graphic design. The calendar sheets do not deal with the months, but with the times when a sign is active (Ex.: 1st sheet is: zodiac sign Aries (21.3. - 20.4.)

The system of the calendar works as follows:

Diamonds = male signs
Circles = female signs

The elements (circles and diamonds) are always half the size of the next largest element. The diameter of the largest element is equal to the width of the poster and twice the height.

Position of the calendar block:
Top = Cardinal sign
Center = Mutable sign
Bottom = Fixed sign

Red and orange tones = Fire sign
Brown tones = Earth sign
Blue tones = Air sign
Green/turquoise tones = Water sign

(In case of color blindness/red/green weakness, the element can also be determined by the placement of the name of the sign in the corners)


Maximilian Dietmann


Maximilian Dietmann


Maximilian Dietmann





produced by/printed by




Copyrights Pictures
