Titelbild zu Imperfect

Project Description

People usually don’t express dissatisfaction with their bodies/faces. However, body/face dissatisfaction can lead to a series of consequences including anxiety and depression. Self-acceptance starts from realizing how imperfect our bodies/faces proportions are in general. Observing your own face/body would lead you to notice the different proportions between the left and right parts of your face/body. Imperfection is what makes humans unique and different. Thus, I am exaggerating imperfect human face/body features to point out as something normal and worth staring at. In this illustration, I would like to invite everyone to take a deeper look into the most pretty human beings around them and see how imperfect their bodies/faces are, and recognize that imperfection is the secret to beauty and attraction.



Amal Hamed


Amal Hamed


Amal Hamed

produced by/printed by

Amal Hamed

Copyrights Pictures

Amal Hamed

Amal Hamed