Summe + X – Wie Einfachheit aus Komplexität entsteht
Titelbild zu Summe + X – Wie Einfachheit aus Komplexität entsteht

Project Description

We often think in terms of single elements, individuals and singularity. The fish, the human being, the drop of water, the tree. But what happens when the individual elements combine to form systems or groups? When fishes become a swarm and raindrops become a rainfall? In the union, properties are formed which individual elements do not possess in isolation. Complexity emerges from simplicity and order from chaos - this is called emergence. Our final project is dedicated to the potential of fusion in design. By means of many small experiments, analog as well as digital, we explored how macro emerges from micro and how, on the other hand, macro can be decomposed into micro. Even the most complex structures owe their existence to simple, sometimes banal elements or components that only unfold their potential in community, side by side.


Lilli Schmelz

Deborah Schultheis


Lilli Schmelz

Deborah Schultheis


Lilli Schmelz, Deborah Schultheis

produced by/printed by, Offsetdruckerei Karl Grammlich GmbH