Inspired by John Berger's "Ways of seeing", I designed an interactive poster series. The motto of the poster series is "through rose-colored glasses".
If a person has "the rose-colored glasses" on, then all negative happenings, so-called RED FLAGS, are simply filtered away and one can no longer see and perceive them.
The concept of the poster series plays with exactly this saying and treats different problems playfully and visually. Interactively, the posters can be viewed once with and once without real rose-colored glasses. Each time a different image will be seen.
For example, without rose-colored glasses you can see a burning forest and with the rose-colored glasses you can see only a beautiful, healthy forest. The "problems" - RED FLAGS - are simply filtered away.
Unfortunately, we humans have rose-colored glasses on far too often and perceive the world very differently than it actually is.
Take your glasses off!
Anna Hölzl
Anna Hölzl