Breathe Coffee Cup Packaging
Titelbild zu Breathe Coffee Cup Packaging

Project Description

The packaging for reusable coffee cups category, is traditional and
looks like a simple glued box that only protects the product. Some
others have very nice designs but do not display the real product, or
are a sleeve that displays the product, but does not protect it.
I wanted to create an innovative, attractive and sustainable packaging.
Breathe has a unique design with different shaped windows, which
are inspired by the shapes of treetops. Trees help the planet breathe
and provide us with raw material to produce ecological alternatives in
order to reduce the use of plastic.
These shapes make the product more interesting and attractive by
displaying it.


Alejandra Hernández Vilchis


Alejandra Hernández Vilchis


Alejandra Hernández Vilchis

produced by/printed by

Höhere Graphische Bundeslehranstalt


Breathe by Wild Child fictionary brand

Copyrights Pictures

Alejandra Hernández Vilchis